Instagram: Best of December

I love instagram- following, posting, sharing, seeing other parts of the world so far away. I love how my feed is somewhat predictable but also a total surprise each time I look at it. There will likely be a few images of someone sitting at a cafe, sipping coffee, a model lounging around paris & an olympic skier training her heart out, & then there's the inspiring photograph of someone out on a mountaintop, all alone. Or taking a road trip across the country. It's like everyone's contributing to one big photo album. 

I post A LOT. Surely every day & most days more than once. My instagram is a combination of home cooked meals & eaten out ones. Dog walks & trail runs. Ferry trips & island adventures. Get togethers & get aways. Give it a peak here on my instagram & follow me @ShannonDouglasPhoto


Here's to the month of December!

It's a funny thing to look back at your own posts & see what you've been up to. Looks like December was a blue & white month for me. Mountains.Snow.Props.Kitchens.Dogs.Ice.Lakes. Guess I spent more time outside than I did cooking. Well that's probably good news!