Streets of San Francisco

Sometimes your in a place and you want to just be free and active and participate in what's going on and take it all in. I've been doing a lot of that lately. This summer is the summer of trail running! And that is an activity where I most certainly can't take my camera with me. Although I spend about 99% of the time I'm running through the forest thinking about all the beautiful, amazing photo opportunities that are flying by me every second, I have to remind myself that sometimes I need to just be present and take in everything around me. And then I go back when I'm not running and run through all of my batteries =) 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I didn't take nearly as many images as I could have in San Francisco, but........I had a blast! We went to a Giants game (they lost), I met with a publishing company based there, hung out with friends in Oakland, attended a fancy dinner hosted by my boyfriends awesome company, ate delicious food & had TONS of AMAZING Chai! (I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE Chai), ran through the Golden Gate Park, saw the Botanical Gardens and hung out in the Mission District!  

With the exception of 2 images, all of these photographs are of the Mission District which, if your not familiar is the Latin community of San Francisco. It's also the gay community and the arts community. Do you live in the Mission District? You do? Leave me a comment, tell me what you think! & feel free to suggest any restaurants you favor....always ;)

*If your looking for more images from SF & other adventures in cooking/travel/the outdoors check out my Instagram: ShannonOslick - I post daily (at least ;)

