Winter's Coming...
Holiday cheer is here in full swing!
Thanksgiving brought in the cold weather and warmed our bellies, now it's time to get your tree, break out your menorah or however you like to celebrate.
One thing we're all looking for this time of year? Festive, heartwarming recipes to feed the lot!
And wouldn't you know it, it's time for the winter issue of Honest to arrive, all bundled with brown paper and string, waiting for you at your doorstep. Pick it up December 1st on the Honest Magazine section of my website, here.
Until then, here's a sneak peak at what's to come!
Spiced ginger apple cider
Blackberry Morning Rolls
Scandinavian Bagels with Gravlax
Buttery Spritz Cookies
Soul-warming Vegetable Lupaskuasa (Stew)
& a whole lot more!
Check back Monday! In the meantime, have a wonderful winter weekend!